This page outlines Luxe Digital’s editorial corrections policy. As outlined in our publishing principles, Luxe Digital is committed to providing accurate and reliable information to our readers. However, we understand that mistakes can sometimes happen. When they do, we uphold our journalistic integrity by correcting errors in a timely and transparent manner.
Adding corrections
If we discover a factual error in one of our articles, we will correct and acknowledge it as soon as possible. Corrections will be added directly to the article, and the publication date will be clearly marked as having been updated.
Updating existing articles
In addition to correcting errors, we ensure that our content is regularly kept up to date as new information becomes available. Updating text for clarity, style, or spelling does not require acknowledgment.
Contact Us
If you notice an error in our content or have a request for an update, please contact us at We deeply value your role in our commitment to being a trusted source of information and will address your concerns in a timely and effective manner. We also encourage you to read our actionable feedback policy if you want to learn more about ways in which you can contact our team with suggestions or recommendations that are not factual corrections.
Thank you for your trust in Luxe Digital as a reliable source of information.
Luxe Digital editorial standards and policies: