This page outlines Luxe Digital’s fact-checking policy. We hold accuracy and accountability as fundamental principles of journalism. We strive to provide our readers with factual, well-researched, and unbiased information based on the International Fact-Checking Network recommendations.
You can read our research and review methodology to learn more about how we operate in that regard. You might also be interested in the guiding principles behind our ethics and research integrity policies.
While we strive to be as accurate and correct as possible, we understand that mistakes can sometimes happen. When they do, we uphold our journalistic integrity by correcting errors in a timely and transparent manner. Please read our corrections policy and actionable feedback policy if you would like to contact our team about that.
Our fact-checking process involves several steps to ensure the accuracy and credibility of our content.
Drafting and sourcing
When Luxe Digital’s editors prepare an article, they must provide credible sources for every factual claim they make. This initial sourcing is essential to the integrity of our content. It ensures our writers are not making unsupported statements.
Once an article is drafted, it is sent to our fact-checkers, who are skilled in research and verification techniques. They will review each specified claim in the article and cross-check it against the sources provided by the writer.
Besides verifying the facts against original sources, we cross-reference these facts with additional authoritative sources whenever possible. This process helps confirm the information’s accuracy.
Expert consultation
When needed, we might contact industry experts for complex topics or for further clarification or validation. These professionals lend their expertise to verify the information and ensure it aligns with current industry knowledge.
We prioritize primary sources, such as research studies, official reports, and public records, whenever possible. If primary sources are unavailable, we will rely on reputable industry sources, ensuring they are credible and relevant.
Addressing inaccuracies
While we try to avoid it, we recognize that errors may slip through our fact-checking process. Please read our corrections policy and contact us if you believe we have published incorrect information. We will investigate promptly and make the necessary changes immediately.
Our commitment to rigorous fact-checking underscores our dedication to providing reliable, trustworthy content. By following this policy, we hope to make our readers a little bit smarter every day.
Luxe Digital editorial standards and policies: